Stan Getz Sax Solos Pdf Files
Transcriptions #13-20: Some of my favorite Stan Getz solos I know much has been written on Stan Getz, so my transcriptions might not even be the highest quality out there. Nor have I read any of the books. Also, in the series that I’m publishing, you’ll notice that I’m jumping around styles quite a bit. This is on purpose. Instead of going chronologically, I just decided to mush everything together. I’ve gone from a few cutting edge living performers (Wendel and Smith) to some of the most revered classics (Coltrane, Getz, blue note icon Clifford Jordan).
Stan Getz Sax Solos Pdf File Ellington on the Web -. The Piano Bar Piano Sheet Music,Vocal / Piano and more If it's not listed, doesn't mean it's not available.
There’s much, much more to come. Stan Getz was a giant of the saxophone.
He is best known for his very smooth “California Cool” tone. I am most drawn to his early period. By the 60’s, the tone quality becomes unpleasant and the technique sloppy. But in the 50’s, the tone was crisp and the bebop playing top-notch. When I listen to myself, I’m envious of Getz’s precision and clarity. Queen Of Darkness The First Moon English Patch. He is able to control his volume to avoid distortion.