Pdb Palm Database Converter
PDB stands for Palm Desktop Database and it is a standard data format typically used by various applications on Palm-based PDA devices.Consequently. Paragon Ntfs Serial V140 here. Gundam Seed Complete Best Rar Program. Radar 10 Homeopathic Software Torrent Download more.
Palm PDB Converter • • • • • This program converts PDB files to a human-readable, human-editable, ASCII form, and back again. In fact, the ASCII form is designed to be more than just editable by humans; it's also easily editable by programs, provided the programs are written in a little language called. The converter translates between PDB files and Lua data values. The converter is generic in the sense that it can translate any PDB file to ASCII and back again. However, to make the most sensible results, you need a converter module that knows how to interpret the particular binary data inside the PDB file. Anno 2070 Save File Download. The converter module supplies interpretations for the ``application info' part of the PDB file, as well as an interpretation for the data in each ``record.' ' The converter was written based on PDB documentation found.