303 British Enfield Serial Numbers
303 British, 10 Round capacity. Serial numbers for British made L1A1 rifles and Small Arms ran in blocks. Value of 303 british enfield. Original examples of no1mkIII's are selling in the 150-250 range these days depending on condition and if matching serial numbers. Rifling and Twist 5 Groove. Thrustmaster Top Gun Afterburner Force Feedback Joystick Driver. Stamps and numbers on this gun I get a headache. Serial number on barrel is. Enfield no1 mark3.
I hope someone here knows a little bit about these guns. A friend of mine has a pretty beat up old british.303 rifle that he wants to get rid of. I'd like to fix it up a bit and wat a cheap rifle, but I want to give him a fair price for it. I told him I'd look up what they were going for, but unfortunately I am having a hard time. As seems to be the case with me, it's never simple. I have figured out that it's an enfield no.4 just from the way it looks, and it's got the ranged flip-up sight which seems to imply that it's an mk2. The problem is the markings on it.